Garces Bottier's return policy is to ensure that all products are delivered to our customers in perfect condition and that all possible precautions are taken to protect the integrity of the product being sold.

If you are not satisfied with your (unused) purchase, you may return it within two weeks of purchase, along with your receipt for an exchange or refund, using the original payment method. To this end, our policy is that we do not exchange or refund other than where the product is faulty.
Con este fin, nuestra política es que no intercambiamos ni hacemos reembolso salvo cuando el producto está defectuoso.

Products must be returned in their original packaging (regardless of whether the box was opened), must be unopened and must not have been used. If a production failure occurs, we will always respect the period mentioned above and replace the product according to the terms and conditions of service.

Products damaged in transit

If we send a product whose contents have been damaged during transport, we will exchange the damaged products only at the cost of shipping, provided that you return the damaged product to us within two weeks of receiving the delivery.

Defective products

You have the right to return a defective product within two weeks of your purchase along with proof of purchase.

Wrong Products

Si hemos enviado un producto incorrecto, notifícalo al correo lo antes posible o en un plazo máximo de dos semanas, envíanos el producto incorrecto y especifica los detalles correctos por escrito.

If you would like us to replace the incorrect product with the product you ordered, we will send you the correct product as soon as possible, or alternatively we will refund the product once it has been returned.
We will not charge you for the wrong product and you must return the wrong product for investigation
